Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...ok, well maybe NOT.  I think we've had our fair share now.  We have some pretty crazy weather here & this winter has not disappointed.  It's so beautiful, but I have to say, I'm ready for the snow to move out & the warm weather to move in.  The kids have already been out of school for 7 days.  We got the ususal for this area...ICE & then several inches of snow on top of that.  We woke up this morning to another foot of snow.  That's right, I said a FOOT & it's still coming down strong.  They are predicting close to 2ft before the day is over.  Wal-Mart Stores, Inc actually closed down (a first in history I think), which prompted several other businesses (including mine) to close for the day.  THANK GOODNESS!  I don't think I could have made it anyway.  I probably would have been lost just walking out to the driveway.  I don't think I've seen snow like this since I was a child.   Last week, when the kids were getting pretty restless, we took them down the road to the Bella Vista golf course & went sledding.  There's a great hill there that the locals go to.  It was so cold, so we didn't stay long.  In fact, I think we only made it down the hill a couple of times before the kids were DONE.  I must say, it was fun while it lasted.  We went back a couple of days later w/ our good friends/family.  By then the ice was so packed down, that you literally FLEW down the hill.  Well, Old Man Winter, thanks for the good ol' times, but it's now time for you to take a hike!


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